Allotments and Orchard
Land for this was made available by Margaret and Paul Bellew as part of the arrangements for the sale of the Dyas Green Land for housing.Help in establishing the allotments was provided by Warwickshire Rural Housing and the Parish Council
The orchard consists of 3 very old fruit trees with further planting of new apple, pear, plum , mulberry ,cobnut and chestnut trees funded by money from the Applejuicing profits (maybe with future crops in mind!). This is a community orchard and everyone is welcome to walk around and sample a few fruits or nuts at harvest time.
There are 11 allotments , a shed , water butts and trough as well as a greenhouse (donated by Anna Pike). The allotments are south facing and have cropped well. Rabbit proof fencing surround the plot and compost bins provide for future use.
An Allotments Committee is responsible for the site maintenance. Annual leases are given from January 1st subject to a tenancy agreement.
Applications for allotment space can be made to Isobel Hazelwood at