St Peter's Church
Bible study and fellowship
We are an informal group meeting in different homes,
offering a friendly welcome with an opportunity to study the Bible.
For more details contact the church warden.
The parish church of St Peter’s takes safeguarding very seriously.
Our policy is to be found on the diocese of Coventry website
For safeguarding concerns please contact Warwickshire safeguarding team:
or telephone 01926 412080 for adults and MASH on 01926 414144 for children.
To report a crime or raise a concern about abuse with Warwickshire Police, 'phone the non-emergency number: 101. If it is an emergency always dial: 999
You can also raise concerns by contacting the parish safeguarding officer Dr Martin Whittaker on 07774 907162.
For the diocesan safeguarding team please call 024 7652 1345.