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Stretton Horticultural Club
Annual Village Show Saturday, 17th August 2024 

 Entries 9.00 – 11.00 am

Judging 11am-2.15pm by Paul Williams (flowers, fruit and vegetables), Trish Evans (Children and craft)

and Mary Blake (Home baking, preserves and eggs)

Dog Show starts at 2.30 pm (entries 30p each class from 2 pm) Judging by Roger Clark

Doors open for viewing and teas 2.15 pm

Raffle and presentation of prizes 4.00 pm



All sections: 1st prize £1.00, 2nd Prize 75p, 3rd prize 50p

Points except  2) 7), 16) 19) 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 1 point.

The competitor gaining the most points in a minimum of two sections will be awarded the Mrs Gordon Lennox Cup.

The winners of the Fruit and Vegetable section, the Flower section and the Jams and Chutney section will receive cups.

Only one entry per person per class.

30p per entry Children free


NB: All entries will be auctioned after the prizegiving unless clearly stated otherwise by the entrant.


Fruit and Vegetables

1.     4 Large tomatoes                                                           2.    Largest tomato​

3.     4 coloured tomatoes                                                      4.    A dish of 5 plum tomatoes

5.    6 runner beans                                                                6.    1 cucumber

7.    Longest runner bean                                                       8.    1 lettuce

9.    6 beans (any variety, not runners)                               10.    2 peppers (any variety)

11.    4 round white onions                                                  12.  4 white potatoes

13.  4 round red onions                                                        14.  4 coloured potatoes

15.  6 shallots                                                                        16.  The largest potato

17.  2 courgettes                                                                   18.  1 cabbage

19.  The largest marrow                                                       20.  3 leeks

21.  4 carrots                                                                          22.  Collection of culinary herbs

23.  4 beetroot                                                                        24.  Any other vegetable

25.  A dish of 8 cherry tomatoes                                          26.  Most pest ridden vegetable

27.  Comedy vegetable                                                          28.  Dish of 8 berries (at least 2 varieties

29.  Dish of raspberries(with stalks)                                    30.  5 plums

31.  Arrangement of fruits and/or veg in a container                            


  • Wash vegetables and fruit carefully with a soft cloth and plenty of water

  • Most vegetables and fruit can be placed directly on the show bench (stalks, if any, facing same way)

  • Potatoes should be same size with shallow eyes and free from blemishes.  Place on plate.

  • Onion tops should be bent over and tied using raffia or string.  Roots neatly trimmed back to the base.  Show onions on rings or soft collars (sections from cardboard toilet rolls are ideal



Flowers (in containers)

32.  5 dahlias                                                                        33.  3 stems from clematis (1 variety)

34.  5 pom pom dahlias, not exceeding 2”/52cm             35.  Single rose (one bloom)

36.  5 nasturtiums                                                               37.  3 roses (mixed)

38.  3 gladioli                                                                        39.  Miniature rose (one stem)

40.  5 rudbeckia                                                                    41.  Mixed annuals

42.  Small bunch of marigolds                                           43.  5 sweet peas

44.  Container of mixed garden foliage (maximum 5 stems)

  • Check number of flowers asked for – too many or too few may not be judged

  • Try to arrange flowers so they face the front – oasis, scrunched up plastic bags, cellophane or cling film can be used.


Flowers (in pots not exceeding 7”/178mm)

  1. Any houseplant in a pot

  2. A geranium, pelargonium or fuchsia

  3. A cactus


Flower Art

48. An arrangement of garden flowers from own garden

49. A table arrangement (maximum 18 inches)



Jams and Chutneys (in jars)

​50.  Jam (any variety)​                                                            51. Lemon curd

52.   Marmalade (any variety)                                               53. Chutney (any variety)

  • Use plain jars.  Lids should be twist tops (not too tight so the judge cannot open them), pliable press-on covers or a wax disc covered with a cellophane top. Jars should be full.




54. 3 hens’ eggs (brown)                                                      55. 3 hens’ eggs (any colour)

56. 3 bantam eggs

  • Eggs should be clean and not cracked



Home Baking

57. 5 Fruit scones                                                                  58. A fruit cake

59. A wholemeal loaf                                                            60.  An interesting variety loaf of bread (eg olive, cheese, seeded, etc)

61. 4 plain shortbread

62. A sour dough loaf

63. Fixed recipe: Almond and Cherry Loaf Cake  (see next page- copies in the bus shelter or from or )

  • Entries covered in clear plastic bags, tin foil or cling film

  • Please write ingredients on label (except 63)

  •  For the bread a breadmaking machine may be used

  • Please ensure baking is as cool as possible – cutting warm cakes is a bit of a nightmare.


63 Cherry and Almond Loaf Cake


  • 200g glace cherries

  • 250g self-raising flour

  • 225g butter (softened)

  • 175g caster sugar

  • 3 large eggs (beaten)

  • 2-3 drops almond essence

  • 100g ground almonds

  • 6 tablespoons of milk.



  1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC/150ºC Fan/gas mark 3/325ºF. Halve the cherries, wash and pat dry. Toss into some flour and shake well to get rid of excess

  2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  Gradually add the beaten eggs and almond essence.

  3. Fold in flour and ground almonds, followed by the cherries.

  4. Add the milk and spoon the thick mixture into a lined and buttered loaf tin (23x13x7 cm/9x5x3inches) and bake for ¾ - 1 hour or until a cake tester comes out clean

  5. Leave in the tin on a wire rack until completely cool

  6. Remove the cooled cake from the tin



Arts and Crafts

64.   A photograph of wildlife in Stretton

65.   Landscape photograph taken in Stretton

66.  Wall art using any medium (e.g, painting, collage, mosaic etc)

67.  A hand knitted garment or toy

68.  A hand sewn garment or toy (a sewing machine can be used)

69.  A hand made greeting card

*Please do not write children’s names on their work.  We can identify whose work is who’s from the numbers allocated when entering. Thank you!



Children age up to 7 years*

70.  Model of a monster made from play doh (or similar)

71.  A self portrait

72.  Decorated purchased biscuits with an Olympic Games theme

*Please do not write children’s names on their work.  We can identify whose work is who’s from the numbers allocated when entering. Thank you!


Children age 8 to 12 years*

73.  Lego model of an Olympic Game event

74.  Decorated cupcakes with an Olympic Games theme

75.  Drawing or painting of your house



76.  Children age up to 7 years

77.  Children age 8 years and over


78. Children age up to 7 years

79.  Children age 8 years and over

Dog Classes

(on recreation field)

2.30 pm start


   Entries from 2 pm at the Gazebo - 30p each class




  1. Prettiest Bitch

  2. Most Handsome Hound

  3. Glorious Golden Oldie – age over 8 years

  4. Most Obedient Dog

Commands required:Sit, Stay (4 paces away), Lie Down, Recall, one trick (eg roll over, giving paw, etc).

   5.Dog Most Like Its Owner

   6.Dog with the Waggiest Tail

   7.Quickest Sausage Catcher

   8.Dog the judge would most like to take home

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